Assistant Professor - experimental physics
2015.06.08 13:39 - adminNCBJ opens up a competition for a post of
Assistant Professor
in NCBJ Nuclear Methods in Solid State Physics Division (FM1) located in Otwock/Świerk.
Field: physics (experimental)
The successfull candidate must hold PhD degree in physics, and must have documented solid state physics knowledge and experience in experimental physics. Experience in neutron diffraction/scattering research will be an asset. Detailed requirements:
- experience in research conducted with the use of neutron beams;
- experience in practical development of experimental techniqes (diffraction, neutronography);
- proven scientific record in neutron physics (publications);
- capability to work in an international environment;
- documented good practical knowledge of experimental techniques used to study materials structural properties, in particular neutron-based methods;
- teamwork skills, readiness to participate in international collaborations;
- good command of spoken and written English;
- command of German will be an additional asset.
More information
Associate Professor Krzysztof Kurek
Narodowe Centrum Badań Jądrowych
Warszawa, ul. Hoża 69, pawilon NCBJ, pok. 35
Send your application to
Associate Professor Krzysztof Kurek
Narodowe Centrum Badań Jądrowych
ul. Andrzeja Sołtana 7
05-400 Otwock, Świerk
- application
- scientific degree diploma transcript
- CV
- personal questionnaire for employment applicants
- list of publication
- copies of the most important publications not available on-line,
- list of patents, implementations, patent applications
- description of applicants fields of interest
- all other documents possibly relevant for candidate evaluation.