Classes in the didactic laboratory
Pupils of the secondary schools, university students and science teachers may conduct the experiments in the Laboratory of the Atomic and Nuclear Physics, unique on the European scale. We offer about 30 experimental setups. The participants, working either standalone or in pairs may perform measurements of α, β, and γ radiation, as well as X-rays and light.
One may measure the penetrating power and absorption of radiation, diffraction, and interference of visible light, X-rays and electrons, or perform a spectral analysis of atomic and nuclear radiation. There are classical experiments of Rutherford and Franck-Hertz „to be repeated”. One may measure the Compton effect, diffraction of electrons on powdered crystals, interference of laser light or microwaves using the Michelson method, half-life of naturally occurring and artificially made isotopes and the photoelectric effect. One can also experiment with photovoltaic effects, hydrogen cells, and heat pumps. For each of the experiments, a step-by-step instruction guide has been prepared (in Polish only). The instructions describe physical phenomena that are manifested in the experiment, detail how to conduct it, and also how to analyze the obtained results. The pupils’ work under constant supervision of DEiS teaching staff.
Due to the work safety requirements and comfort of the pupils, we cannot allow more than 16 participants into the laboratory room at a given time. Because of this limit, we offer two programs of one day visit: one for the groups of up to 16 participants, and the other for groups of 17–30 participants. The activities take 6–7 hours and culminate with participants presenting their experiments and discussing their results during the reporting seminar.
There is a possibility to organize individual activities.