Dr. Sebastian Trojanowski won this year's Polityka Science Award
2021.10.17 22:14 - Marek PawłowskiCongratulations! Dr. Trojanowski is an employee of the Department of Theoretical Physics (as well as the Astronomical Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences). His achievements include co-design of a new experiment at the LHC: FASER is to search for dark matter particles.
We wrote more about this interesting proposal here: https://old.ncbj.gov.pl/aktualnosci/faser-nowy-eksperyment-lhc-mocnym-na...
We also recommend the description of the laureate's achievements and the film that Dr. Trojanowski recorded for the competition: https://www.polityka.pl/tygodnikpolityka/nauka/nagrodynaukowe/2138686,1,...
The full announcement of this year's awards and the rationale for the award of Dr. You can read Trojanowski on the journal's website: https://www.polityka.pl/tygodnikpolityka/nauka/nagrodynaukowe/2139400,1,...